Friday, September 9, 2011

It's just another Southern Fall-ish ♥Elk City Friday Night!

This video (which I'm just trying out because I don't feel like typing a this will probably, no definitely, be an epic fail! But I'm posting it anywho) is an intro to my Elk City Friday night's while Ryan is away at work. NOTE: Ryan is not away EVERY Friday night, or else this video really would be quite sad. However, there are no home football games tonight and, therefore, nothing further for me to pretend to do to keep me busy.
Now, for pure pride-issue purposes I'm going to go ahead and answer some questions that I feel you might have for me after watching this poor display of a wanna-be informative/entertaining video:
1) Yes, I am serious...seriously bored.
2) No, I do not feel like this video was necessary. But I did it anyways.
3) Yes, I am lacking about 3-4 days of sleep. (Partially Fully due to the awesome 'Best of Friends' marathon that Nick-at-Night has been showing all week long).
4) No, I have not taken a 5 hour
5) Yes, I'm pretty sure Ryan would be embarrassed by this reality of my "super fun" life at home when he's gone off away on jobs. But HEY! I'm the new kid in town. (Give me a few weeks...or months...a year(?) to make some good friends who can really understand and deal with the real somewhat crazy (I think I'm fun) and strange/silly girl that is ME, WILL YA?!)
6) Yes, my new puppy IS in fact the cutest puppy on the planet! Thank you for asking..and noticing!
Moving on...ENJOY! Or not.. :) I'm okay either way. 

xoxo, bri ♥

Friday, August 26, 2011

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary...please leave my potty alone!

The time has officially come for me to tell you about my dearest...roommate(?) Sure, we'll call her that. It's probably the most respectful "term of endearment" that I can refer to her as, seeing as she IS (from what I've learned) the previous renter of our duplex here in OkleeHomee.

Let me explain...back it up like a tonka truck about 4 months ago. Ryan had just moved into our duplex on a very nice side of town and my bestie, Raybay, and I were working on moving some of my furniture and things up here (the first of our several summer trips here). Right before we were set to be heading back to McKinney, I had been noticing the precious, little old lady neighbor who was always watering her yard with a little tractor-looking watering tool that I knew HAD to be from Atwoods. (Note: My Atwoods theory was proven correct a few weeks later when Ryan and I proceeded to purchase one of these tractor-sprinkler-thingies from, none other than, Atwoods itself). But that's neither here nor there. Back to my cute-lil-ole-tractor-lady neighbor. So, in order to get off on the right foot here in my new country town, I decided that it was my neighborly duty to walk my happy booty over and introduce myself! So off Raven and I go across the street in order to obtain what might possibly be the only friendship I ever have here. At least, that was my negative attitude at the time. I'm better now! So I knock at the door and after a good 30 seconds (she seemed to move a lot faster after that tractor..oh well), but there she was. A sweet, lil-ole smiling lady came and opened the door for us.

The welcoming introduction went on as follows:
Me: "HI!! I'm your new neighbor from across the street!"
Betty: "Well HELLO there! My name's Betty!! My first husband died of a heart attack. My second husband died after a stroke. And my third husband just recently passed."
((NOTE: This is NO joke. This WAS our first spoken words to one another))
Me: *Silence...........* "Oh......" *Thoughts in my head: THINK BRIANA THINK! How on earth do you TOP that?!?!* "Um...Well then...My name's Bri.........................I'm from Texas!"
-------FAIL! EPIC FAIL! I guess I'm not as interesting of a person as I originally thought. Betty, by far, had me beat.

So, anywho, Betty ends up inviting us inside and, I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little hesitant considering she hadn't specified what had happened to husband #3. That remains a mystery. But the rest of the indoor conversation was filled with the typical: Weather here in OkleeHomee, jobs, yadayadayada. And then came the point in the conversation that you can almost always expect from the elderly who have been around a neighborhood forever a while --The Neighborhood Gossip. Betty proceeded to tell us about the people around the neighborhood (none of which was really negative, mainly just family drama that most families would probably not want dear-ole-Betty sharing with the new neighbor). But then came the part that was more interesting to me: Past residents of our duplex. The most recent was a young girl trying to work her way through school and never had the rent money to stay...hence, she's not here. But then Betty went on to tell us about the resident PRIOR to the poor school girl.
**NOTE: K, This is where it gets good!**

Betty informed me that the prior resident's name was Mary. Betty kept Mary's info short and simple. "Her name was Mary. She was an elderly lady who was a hospice patient after a few months here." Now, not much more was spoken about Mary besides this, which is probably why I didn't think anymore of it that day, nor on my long drive home, nor for a few more months until I moved here. Of course though, when you hear that someone is/was on hospice that's usually not a very good thing, huh? And I guess statistically showing, it usually doesn't end very well once being put on hospice. Nonetheless, we moved on from the topic when Raven and I realized that it was time to head back to Tejas before it got too late. I never thought much more about the convo.........................

UNTIL *DunDunDunnnnnnnn* the morning of Thursday, August 4, 2011 (*saying dates like this always make things seem really really important, as I feel this is). This was Day 4 of my life here in Elk City. You see, the duplex has 2 full bathrooms and I took it upon myself to claim the bigger of the two. (Who wouldn't? Boys stink and I'd already spend 3 out of 4 years of college sharing a potty room with stinky boys). And I really like this bathroom. It's well lit, we've decorated it all girly and pretty, and it's clean most of the time. So on this morning of August 4, 2011 I woke up to brush my teeth and go about my daily routine as usual. I headed to MY bathroom and turned on the light to see my round, gray, circular vanity-like, make-up mirror lying face down on my mat in front of the toilet. Because the stand on it is broken, and has been for quite a while, I always lay it face down on my bathroom counter area in order to ensure that it doesn't take a mad tumble and shatter everywhere. But it wasn't broken or cracked...I just found it strange to be there in front of the toilet seat. I certainly didn't leave it there! I left it face down on the counter the night before, as I said I always do. I picked up the mirror and simply attributed the odd mirror placement to Ryan using my bathroom without permission (and using the mirror for something that I honestly just didn't care to know or think about). I put it back on my counter FACE DOWN and went on about my day, not worried to think about it again. I ran some errands while Ryan was at work, ya know, just kinda was "shooting the bird" that day I hope that's the saying(*...crap...Ryan just told me as I was editing this piece that I was WAY wrong. It's "Shooting the Breeze" and even that, he said, wouldn't make since with what I said I was doing because I wasn't carrying on a conversation with anyone. He informed me that "shooting the bird" was like flippin people off...So, to clarify, that's NOT what I was actually doing! Oh well. I'm leaving it in here for entertainment purposes*).

So it was around 4:15pm-ish, still on this day of August 4, when I returned home from the grocery store. I walked into my house and went straight to the kitchen to begin putting all the food away. Halfway through my unpacking process I heard a movement, followed by a crash. Kami was outside (my "guard" dog), so I knew it wasn't her. So like I usually do when startled, because I'm a HUGE baby, I froze! Obviously something had fallen unexpectedly and since I didn't hear any other noises during the, oh let's say, 77 seconds that I stood unmoved in silence, I decided to put on my big girl panties and go find what had fallen and the extent of the damage.  My bathroom was actually the first place that I looked thanks, in most part, to its close proximity to the kitchen. And that's when I saw it. My little round, vanity mirror back (almost strategically placed/fallen) in the EXACT SAME LOCATION it had been when I had noticed it that morning in front of the toilet. (NOTE: Please recall that I had placed the mirror back onto my sink counter, which is NOT lopsided, face down giving it no chance to "accidentally fall" again). Seeing this, my eyes got wide, my jaw dropped, my hands started sweating, and my heart started know, all those feelings you get right before the killer attacks its victim in scary movies? Welp, that's all it took! I grabbed the mirror, grabbed my keys, left the frozen food still in their sacks on the kitchen counter, and BOLTED! Right out that front door! I immediately called Ryan and told him what had happened, and he let me know that he had never been in my bathroom for any reason and never moved my mirror, as I had previously theorized he had that morning. He then told me that he wouldn't be returning home from work for another 4 hours or so. PERFECT! What in the flippin' heytell was I gonna do for 4 hours in the middle of Elk City, Oklahoma!?! Everything closes here at like 5:00pm. So then I call my dear Sister to tell her about the incident. She actually got scared for me, which almost made me feel better that she cared, except for the fact that she's like 600 miles away from me now so I can no longer run over to her house and play with her and watch Sponge Bob Square Pants with my nephew in order to help me run and hide while forgetting about my sorrows...and the ghost in my house.

That's right, I said it. Her name is Mary. And she is my ghost...well, technically, not MY ghost. But she's the "roomie" ghost-lady who lives in our house. You see, if you recall, Betty never specified what happened to the old resident, Mary, of our duplex who was a hospice patient. That's because, we now assume, she's still spirit, shall we say? We still get all of her "Your Old and Sick" mail (you know what I'm talking about...those cards you get in the mail addressed to people 65 and older...talking about death, AARP, etc.etc.). And boy, let me tell you, Mary can cause QUITE a ruckus when she wants to. My bathroom is apparently her favorite room in the house because she stays there majority of the time.

So ever since that momentous day of August 4, 2011, the following are some of the other "strange" occurrences that have taken place in or around my bathroom:
  • --Kami occasionally will stand in front of my bathroom door and stare...and then bark...and then move her head around as if following "something" moving in the darkness of MY potty room! And then bark again. I yell at her all the time to stop because, A) it scares me even more, and B) if I'm going to be sharing a bathroom with someone, I don't think it's fair that Kami gets to see her and I don't.
  • --Mary throws soap at me. It's only happened twice, I think because I've started being very polite to her. I talk to her now to let her know what I'm doing in "our" bathroom. I might get a little more personal than she might like, but hey, I'm sharing this room with her now so she's just going to have to deal with it! Anyways, a couple days after the initial "mirror incident", I was showering and lathering my shampoo into my hair and happened to be staring at my soap and shampoo bottles, all NEATLY lined up on the FLAT sides of my bathtub. No water was hitting the bottle was slanted. Everything was in perfect harmony in my shower! :) And then, while I happened to be looking at them, the bottle second from the right, my body soap bottle, started wobbling, and then fell, NO, was almost THROWN, at my feet! I stared at the soap now at my feet for a second, or 5, dumbfounded that she had the NERVE to disturb me during my shower time! I went on coming to terms with what had just happened. So I let Mary know that it wasn't funny. And to answer any questions, NO, I did not bend over to pick up the soap. I wasn't sure Mary's intentions with the soap bottle, but I just know that you NEVER bend over to pick up the soap...ANYWHERE! So I used my foot instead while still talking to Mary assuring her that I was almost finished with my shower.
  • --She's then gone on to surprise Ryan and myself when we got home from our vacation last week to our speakers blaring. I was scared to open the front door because I was wondering what on earth was going on in the house. No TV on...just the music blaring, which we certainly did not leave on for the week we were gone. Moral: I guess she likes to party too.
  • --She also likes to turn the water blazing hot whenever I go to put my face under it in the shower to wash my face...RUDE! She's done this to my friends who have been here too. TJ and Raven can testify. Raven can also testify about soap being thrown at her. And note (yet again) that her soap was in a different location that mine had been!

So there's the full story. Call me crazy, but there's definitely Something About Mary going on here in this house. (You like how I threw in that movie reference? Nice, huh?) Now if you still don't believe me, or just think I'm completely nuts, I'd like you to just drive your confident little behind out here and Mary will show you exactly what I'm talking about! She's no joke...I don't know why she's so drawn to MY bathroom, but she is. So even though it wasn't in my initial interest upon moving here to have a potty buddy, I guess we can share. That's what roomies are for, right?

Happy Friday!!


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Live As I NOW Know It

HEAR YE HEAR YE! This is the first official blog posting of yours truly! If you've read my 'About Yours Truly' section of the blog and all the important people in my life, and all the things I love....then you are (for the most part) up to speed on the overview of my life. But, just because I'm a teacher, let's do a quick review, shall we? YES! Yes, we shall!

*Insert deep breath here*:  Oooookay, Howdy! (-->best way to start an intro, btw) I'm a perfectly normal 24 year old girl who was Texas born and Texas raised, in the midst of transitioning from a town of 350,523 peeps to a town of a womping 11,693 due to that cRaZy little thing called the love of my fabulous fiancĂ© who "fracs" in the oil biz (or something along those lines). I love my family and friends with all my heart and soul because they are the best people in my life! I love my fightin Texas Aggies always and forever, and I don't care who judges us! My fiancĂ©, Ryan, is my rock and I'm beyond blessed to have him in my life. I love him and love that he is willing to put up with me and all my crazy antics for the rest of my life! I'm a teacher, tippy-toe reacher, and a facebook creeper. Yes, I admit it. Zumba makes me happy AnY tImE oF dAy, which is why I decided to become a licensed instructor (and who doesn't love the opportunity to shake their bootay)! I like blankets, football, baseball, and basketball (in that order), colorful straws, frozen yogurt, drinking only half of a water bottle, the color pink, Elvis Presley, 5hr energy road trips, reality TV drama, and every kissing scene of The Notebook. do ya like them apples?

Good. Now that that's over with, let's move on to the purpose of this blog. Being new to good ole' Elk City, Oklahoma (oh yea, that's the name of the location of my fresh new life)...anywho, being the new girl in town I'm trying to accomplish a new career opportunity (to be announced), surviving the small town life, and planning a wedding! ALL at the same time! And in regards to the wedding, we have t-minus LESS THAN 8 months people!! Lots to do...especially from 300 miles away! Freak out mode is starting to set in! AHHHH! (*another deep breath*) Okay, we'll just talk more about that as we make progress. :) Deal?

Let's talk LIFE here in Elk City:
-Ryan has been here since the end of February so he's pretty well adjusted to his new life. I, on the other hand, have been "living" here for a total of 16 days now. So I'm still in the 'this-is-just-another-long-vacation-in-the-country-to-do-some-relaxation-before-returning-back-to-my-real-life-in-Allen-Texas' type of mindset. But that's when I have to keep reminding myself...Nope, this is the REAL DEAL KIDDO! ...Take it all in... We are blessed to have found a very nice 3 bedroom duplex, with an awesome backyard for Kami (our black lab) and a mushroom fairy circle that keeps growing in our pretty green front lawn. Apparently there's an elf, or dwarf, fairy, or a strange creepy creature of some kind that's suppose to protect my yard when those fairy circle things pop up, but I've never seen it. I'd rather not to be honest.

Now, out here there are things you have to know about in order to survive:
1) Atwoods is like a holy sanctuary here. Anything you need, want, long for in can find at Atwoods. Ask anyone where you might find ANYTHING, and they'll all give you the same answer. "Atwoods." Or, if you're looking for something to do around here, people will tell you to go to Atwoods.

2) You need boots here. Some real "sh*t kickers" as some refer to em. And not like the cheap-o ones that I have that I probably bought from target or somewhere like that. There are stickers (and not the kind that I used in my classroom) on almost every section of grass in the area and you definitely don't want to be caught in your Dallas, Texas high heels or flip flops walking around here as I have unfortunately had to learn the hard way. Talk about PAIN! Those little suckers will getcha good...and you always manage to drag them into the house where they secretly hide in your carpet ready for their attack on your precious little bare, stubby-toed feet. Not cool. So Ry bought him and myself our first real cowboy boots last week and I am in LOVE! I feel a little more legit now.

3) The flies here are RI-DONKULOUS! Seriously, they're not shy! Not that any fly is...but here, it's like ATTACK OF THE FLIES. They are everywhere! Landing on your food, drinks, head, face, arm, and eyelashes! Swat as you will, but they come back. Those suckers always. come. back! Sometimes even when you kill them, THEY COME joke they're mutants, and come back to life and fly away right before you trash them. I think they have 9 lives here in OK. Not sure the solution..except that I carry a fly-swatter, is that how you spell that word, with me into every room like a ninja warrior preparing for a spontaneous attack at any moment. I've learned to always be prepared.

4) You always pray for rain here. As I hear they're doing in Dallas too. But there are signs here...signs from churches, sonic, cowboy cafes, you name it there's a sign wanting you to Pray for Rain. We always get a lot of close calls; you know those clouds that tease you and look all dark and stormy-like. I've started really praying for rain at home though (because yes, those signs do work...I find myself saying a quick prayer every time I see them.) The reason being why I've started praying away from the signs is simple: I don't like watering the yard. That's big kid stuff. Not for me. We have a wannabe rose bush that Ryan says can't stay alive unless I water it every-stinkin-day...I honestly just think it doesn't WANT to stay alive. And far be it for me to force a bush to live that would rather just wilt away. If I was a stinkin' bush living in this ridiculous Oklahoma heat, I would want someone to just pull the plug on me too. Just saying. My opinion.

5) You have to be real creative about things to do here. We ARE on Route 66 and have a pretty neat Route 66 Museum near the house with a cute park by it...but there's only so many days my best, Raven and I can run around that place and snap pictures of us chasing the geese, and cheesing in front of the fake creepy people sitting inside of the cute little Route 66 buildings. Then there's a movie theater here too. Don't get too excited, it's no Cinemark Movies 16. But it's called Flix on 6 and it was an old Chinese restaurant I'm pretty sure. But then you got your cute little downtown area that has some really cute clothing stores and decor/gift shops. I actually really like the downtown strip! But the clothes here are rather expensive. They only sell the real deal fancy stuff here, I guess. All their jeans are no cheaper than $85, which really makes me miss my Macy's and Papaya jeans and cute cheap-o shirts. Then there's 3rd street which is like the newer main road of town which you can also find some interesting country shops/restaurants on. So...while it's no Village at Fairview or Allen Outlets, I should, I'm also praying for this, be able to rid myself of my shopping addiction I inherited in Allen and learn to adjust to life in the country. Hey, at least I have salty frogs! (Read: 'Loves/Obsessions/Etc.' in my tabs to understand the facts of the Salty Frog).

Tomorrow, I'd like to introduce you to and give you the low-down on my little "friend" I call Mary. You'll probably be hearing plenty about her while I'm here so you definitely need to know!

*I Have a Feeling Life is About to Get Interesting*

Thanks for forcing yourself to finish reading my first babbling of a blog's a work in progress!

